Monday, August 9, 2010

It's been so long

I know I don't post much. It is so hard to post anything with two kids and a handful of duties. I work all day till 5:30 pick up my little ones and get home around 6:00 or 6:15. I bond and play with my little ones until around 7:50 then it's bath time, dinner then it's putting them down for bed. Make dinner for when my hubby gets home and then it's pikcing up the hosue and doing some laundry if needed. Wow, being a working mom is tough! I love it though as I might have mentioned before. My little ones are almost 9 months and we are having a blast with them. Daniella is already standing on her own and is already taking little steps with our help. David is getting the hang of standing but still won't let go. It's amazing to think that almost 9 months ago they were so tiny. Their faces have changed soo much. They look so grown up!!! I am getting all teary and that is because they haven't even turned one year yet. Imagine when they are graduating from kinder or High school... I am going to be a mess! It's amazing looking at them and knowing that they are the product of the WONDERFUL love my husband and I share. It's amazing to see them grow day by day. It's amazing to know that my husband and I are linked forever through these two little ones. It makes me so proud. I love my life! I love it becasue the three of them exist. My job, my duties and everything else makes sense and it worth it all just becasue they exist in my life. I LOVE MY FAMILY!

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